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8 Great Reasons Planned Preventive HVAC Maintenance Is Smart: Reason #3—It Extends Equipment Life


Writing one blog a week is hard for a dog. I can’t use the touch-typing method that makes typing fast because… well, have you ever looked at a dog’s paws? Do you know how hard it is to stretch to stretch to reach the “Q” key with a paw? I have to type with my nose. That’s the reason I can only give you a single blog a week about why signing up for regular maintenance for your home’s air conditioning and heating is a great idea.

This week is about long-term goals. And believe me, when it takes you about a week to type up a blog using only your nose, you think plenty about long-term goals.

Reason #3: It Extends the Life of Your Heating and Cooling Equipment, and Keeps It Running at Peak Performance

When I first thought of the reasons people should hire professionals to maintain their HVAC equipment regularly, this seemed like the strongest reason of all. The more I’ve thought about it (and nose typing has given me plenty of time to think about it) the more I realize that all reasons are equally important. But this one still stands out.

Because essentially, having a technician care for your heating and air conditioning system on a regular basis is just like going to the vet each year. The vet can tell if anything is wrong with your pet and warn you regarding conditions before they become serious, and this helps your pet enjoy a long life. With an HVAC technician examining your AC in the spring and heater in the fall, you’ll know if there are issues such as loss of refrigerant or dirty burners long before they become problems. That means you will enjoy a longer life from your system—plus, it will work at its best, and you won’t find yourself stuck with extremely expensive repairs.

I’ll admit that I don’t like going to the vet—but I know it’s important. Arranging for regular maintenance for your HVAC system is much less frightening than a visit to the vet, right? So why not call up MK Russell & Abbott today and sign up for the Comfort Club?

(Update: I found out humans don’t go to vets. They go to doctors. You’re so lucky. The vet is scary.)

Are you ready to sign up for the Comfort Club at MK Russell & Abbott? Call us in Maryville, TN!