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“Professionalism” Is Not a Brand: It’s How AC Repairs Must Be Done!


The word professional gets tossed around a lot in all types of fields. The simple meaning of professional you’ll find in most dictionaries is “following an occupation for the purposes of livelihood”, i.e. doing a job for a living.

But professional can mean many different things when you put it in action. When I say something here like, “You need to have professional repairs for your air conditioning when it breaks,” it doesn’t mean find just anybody who makes money fixing air conditioners. It’s not a “brand” either, which anybody can “sell.” No, professional means people who make a living at AC repair … ­­because they are the only ones who are qualified, trained, and certified to do the work right.

The short version: professional repairs are the only way to do AC repairs. Anything else puts your air conditioner at serious risk of bigger problems.

Why Non-Professional Repairs Are NOT How AC Repairs Are Done

So you now have a better idea of what an HVAC professional is. When dealing with amateur repair work by people who will take your money but don’t have the qualifications to do the work, you run into plenty of potential troubles:

  • Voided warranty: The manufacturer’s warranty on your air conditioning system is a protection you don’t want to lose because it’s what protects you from having to pay for repairs or a replacement that stems from a factory fault. However, unlicensed work on an AC system (and this means DIY work as well!) can void the warranty.
  • Wrong problem “fixed”: Here’s something all our Russell & Abbott techs can tell you about—receiving a call from someone who just had an amateur “repair” their AC, but the problem is still around. Often it’s because the amateur didn’t correctly diagnose what was wrong and repaired something that wasn’t broken—except now it is. The diagnosis of any repair is critical! You can’t fix a problem if you don’t know its cause.
  • The fix doesn’t stay fixed: Another common issue we often see—the amateur ­did correctly identify what was wrong, but didn’t perform the repair accurately, and a week or two later the trouble starts up again. Professional take pride in the motto “When we fix it, it ­stays”
  • The AC receives permanent damage: An unlicensed amateur tinkering around with the AC can end up causing damage to other parts that shorten the air conditioner’s life. A mistake with the compressor is only one of the errors that can take years off an AC’s service life.
  • No insurance protection: This is a critical difference between a pro and an amateur—professionals have full insurance to protect customers in case of damage to the house or injuries on the job site. So even if an amateur can fix your AC correctly, having an amateur in your house puts you at risk of liability.

When you go with professional air conditioning repair in Knoxville, TN right out of the gate, you save time, money, and so so so many headaches. All of us here take pride in getting jobs done right the first time—we’re proud to be professionals who take the work professional seriously!

Stay cool,

