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Olive’s 1 Simple Trick to Avoid Air Conditioning Repairs This Year

man in front of the fan

Nobody wants to have to arrange for air conditioning repair work in the middle of a hot summer day. And we don’t want you to have to go through this pain, even though it’s our job to handle the work. We would much rather you hire us to help you prevent air conditioning repairs!

And … oops, I already gave away the One Simple Trick from the title. Darn, I was hoping to build up some suspense about this, slowly pull back the curtain for a “Ta-Da!” moment. But it’s out in the open: the one simple trick for avoiding those pesky AC repair jobs this year is to have our professionals give your system a tune-up before the hot weather arrives. This is often called preventive maintenance, but I like to think of it as good sense. It’s the same as when I go to the vet regularly for check-ups and medicine to make sure I don’t get sick. Think of this as taking your air conditioning to the vet for a check-up, except the vet comes to you and your air conditioner won’t want a treat afterwards.

Maintenance Is Just Good Sense

When our friendly experts come to your home to maintain your air conditioner, they do a bunch of different jobs to help your AC run without trouble during the rest of the year. One of the most important is to clean the air conditioner. This doesn’t mean they just hose down the air conditioner and take out scrub pads! Cleaning an AC take special tools to see that dust and dirt are removed from the places where they cause the most damage, such as the coils and on the motor parts. Dirt creates so much trouble for an air conditioner, such as causing motors to burn out.

Maintenance keeps away repairs in other ways as well. Our team will check refrigerant pressure to make sure there isn’t a loss of refrigerant—which is a serious problem. They’ll tighten all the electrical connections and look for places where wires may be corroding (common in the humid weather we get, and everyone here knows exactly how the climate affects ACs). And they’ll look carefully for any spot where there may be potential trouble, then put a stop to it early.

Maintenance Is Easy to Arrange For

Now that I’ve told you the best way to avoid air conditioning repair in Lenoir City, TN over the summer, all you have to do is get in touch with our team and ask about our current special 21-Point Energy and Repair Saver System Tune-Up. We’re offering it until the May 25 for just $97, a $473 value!

And, when you join our Comfort Club, you’ll have the care for your air conditioner and your heater necessary for great HVAC performance all year, every year. You’ll not only avoid those bothersome and pricey repairs, you’ll have a comfort system that uses less energy and will last for much longer. Regular maintenance puts money right back in your pocket each season.

Stay cool,

