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Make Your Summer COOL with MK Russell & Abbott!


Sometimes I get emails from people who are curious if I ever find it “dull” writing about air conditioning. I understand the air conditioning may not sound like the most exciting topic in the world to write about, but here’s the secret: I actually have fun doing it!

And it’s not just me: our entire team loves doing this job. You may have seen our recent ad featuring us “Cool Dudes” on a Harley Davidson motorcycle. (The reason I was on the handlebars was because we couldn’t get a canine-sized sidecar in time.) That was all about having fun and not taking ourselves too seriously—except when it comes to keeping you cool and comfortable.

Speaking of “serious”: we’re coming up on the hottest days of the year. My fur is starting to shed in a flurry, and that means the temperatures are rising… but we still haven’t hit the peak heat of the summer yet, not to mention the sticky, humid “dog days” of August. So if you’ve been debating about putting in a new air conditioning system to replace your old one, take it from me and my fur: right now is the best time to give our team a call and arrange for a new AC. Thanks to our favorable financing terms, you won’t have to sweat the money. You can have a new system for as little as $72 a month! You can even pre-qualify online at

Don’t let yourself get taken for a ride when it comes to any air conditioning service you might need over the summer. Call on the #1 heating and air conditioning company in Blount County. We offer industry expertise and a sense of humor. Go to our website and click on the About Us tab to meet me and the other team members whose are dedicated to one mission: keeping you and your family comfortable.

Stay Cool,

