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The Beckhams Have a New Dog—Named Olive!


This fall, I hope you’ve arranged to take care of your home’s HVAC system with regular preventive maintenance. There are plenty of excellent reasons to do this, and I’ve already listed eight of them. But, if you don’t mind, I’m going to take a break from talking about home comfort and turn to something that has caught my attention. And it’s not that tennis ball that just rolled by the couch.

Olive Beckham Joins Me As a Famous Internet Canine

Across the ocean in a place called the United Kingdom, celebrities David and Victoria Beckham have adopted a new dog. A black Cocker Spaniel named… Olive! I’m not jealous. After all, why would you not want to adopt a black dog and name it “Olive”? It happened to me, and I’m very happy about it, and I’m sure this new Olive is very happy about it as well.

I’ll admit I don’t know a lot about the Beckhams because not only do I live in Tennessee, a long way from the UK, but I’m also a dog who specializes in providing sound heating and air conditioning advice. That leaves me little time to read over the sports section or fashion sites. I’ve learned that Mrs. Beckham is a singer with her own fashion line and Mr. Beckham is a retired football player, although what he calls football, we call “soccer” over here, and what we call “football” they don’t play over there.

From what I’ve discovered, though, the Beckhams are definitely my kind of people: dog people! Olive isn’t the first of my great species they have adopted. She is the fourth. They also have two bulldogs named Scarlet and Coco and a Shar-pei named Barnaby. All of them regularly show up on the Internet, and as a fellow Internet celebrity canine I know that can be stressful. (Especially if you’re a Shar-pei. The Shar-peis I know always complain that photographs add twenty more wrinkles to them.)

Olive Beckham is still a puppy, but she’s growing fast. She made her debut video springing from a porch step and flying through the air. I used to do that, too. If you want me to do that these days, there had better be a treat waiting when I land.

Want to make sure that your whole family is as happy and comfy as the Beckhams’ dogs? Just whistle and the experts at MK Russell & Abbott will come running to make sure your home is ready for seasonal changes! We offer air conditioning and heating services in the Maryville, TN area.
