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Duct Sealing: Why You Need It, How to Know You Need It

Duct Sealing

Hello folks! In my last post, I talked about an important new service we now offer at Russell & Abbott—duct cleaning! Check it out and see if duct cleaning is something you think you may need in the near future. We’re always here to answer any questions you have.

Today I have another important service to talk about, one we added along with duct cleaning. It’s duct-related, so I’m not straying too far from the topic here: Russell & Abbott now offers duct sealing in Maryville, TN, and throughout our wide service area.

“But Olive, my ducts are fine. Why do I need to seal them?”

Let me ask you something: when was the last time you got a good look at the ductwork in your home? Unless you have x-ray vision like Superman, you’ve probably never seen most of the ducts. It’s not easy to tell the condition of your ductwork unless you know how to look for other signs of problems—in this case, duct leakage. Because duct leaks are common and they can be bad for your comfort and energy costs!

Allow me to explain: When your heater and air air system changes the temperature of the air, it consumes energy. You’ve paid to heat or cool that air, and now you expect to get that air blown into your house. But if there are duct leaks, quite a bit of that air will end up escaping and going to, well, nowhere! At least nowhere that needs heating or cooling, like between the walls or in the attic. The amount of air that can escape through these leaks is up to 40%, which means you could be wasting almost half of the air you’ve already paid to heat or cool.

There’s another problem, which is that air leaks cause the pressure within the ducts to drop. Ductwork is supposed to have an airtight seal along its length to maintain pressure so the air from the blower can reach all the rooms. When pressure drops, so does airflow and you’ll receive less heating and cooling in general. Not fun times!

“So how can I tell I need duct sealing?”

Ah, back to this question. Leaking ducts leave several signs you can watch for:

  • Stuffier, less comfortable rooms/areas of your home
  • Uneven room temperatures
  • Reduced airflow and circulation
  • Decreased indoor air quality
  • Higher monthly energy costs

“I think I have duct leaks. Now what?”

Time to call our team! We have the tools to determine if you have leaky ducts. If you do, we’ll then take care of the job of sealing the leaks so your HVAC system has airtight air channels once again. 

Duct sealing is truly a job for professionals—that “duct tape” you can buy at the store won’t do the job, believe me. (Interesting fact: duct tape was originally called duck tape, and it should’ve stayed with that name so people don’t get confused about what it’s useful for.)

Live worry-free, 

