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Our “Dirty Secret” Offer Is Back! (Do You Know the “Dirty Secret”?)

dogs whispering

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I don’t agree with that at all! Any dog of any age can be taught new tricks. Now I’m not going to tell you my age, but I know an excellent trick: I’m going to bring back a fantastic offer, one that will help you against the #1 reason for HVAC system failures. And what is that #1 cause of comfort systems failing? Ah, that’s the dirty secret, and it’s …


How Dirt Threatens Your HVAC System

People often think standard wear and tear from age is what will damage their furnace, AC, and other components of the HVAC system. Those definitely cause trouble, but dirt and grime gather faster and end up creating trouble sooner. Dirt particles are invasive and get down into all parts of the system, motors and burners, etc. Dirt will make an HVAC system more expensive to operate—but worse, it can mean expensive repairs or even an early replacement.

Regular cleaning from professionals is the way to keep dirt from bringing down your HVAC system. Simply cleaning off the motor parts removes a massive amount of extra strain, reducing the chance of a repair and making the system less expensive to operate.

We’ve Got the Plan to Stop Dirt!

Here’s where I pull my trick and bring back our great offer on our 21-Point Energy and Repair Saver System Tune-Up! For a limited time, you can receive $473 of time and money-saving value for just $97. This includes:

  • A full system cleaning and adjustment to factory specs. It’s much like servicing your car before setting out on a long trip—you’re preparing for the winter ahead. ($279 value)
  • A deadly carbon monoxide safety check. Carbon monoxide is a silent killer and can occur in any season. We’re licensed and trained and have the right diagnostic tools. ($97 value)
  • Repair-free guarantee. This is something nobody else offers! If you need any new repairs within 90 days after the tune-up, we’ll refund the full cost of the tune-up.
  • 100% return on investment guarantee. We are confident in our technicians—if you don’t save more in energy over the next 3 months compared to the previous year than the tune-up price, we’ll refund the difference.

Why We’re Making This Offer

You might think this sounds too good to be true. How can we afford to offer you this service for $97?

  • This is “shoulder season,” a slower time for our technicians, and we want to keep busy helping people when our availability is highest.
  • We want you to try us out and tell your friends. A few hundred, maybe a thousand.
  • Hey, we like you! We value our customers, and we want to help them. It’s why we’re in this business in the first place.

A Limited-Time Offer—Schedule Today!

This offer ends with October—it’s only good through October 31st. We anticipate a large demand with this offer, so call (865) 302-3221 to get on the schedule today. Our team can answer any questions you may have and set up an appointment for your HVAC tune-up and cleaning.

Stay cool and clean,

