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Do You Know This Dark and Dirty Secret?

dogs whispering

Oh, I hope I didn’t scare you away with that title! Or maybe … I got your attention? Well, you’re reading this, so it must mean you’re interested in hearing this big secret. Okay, I’m just gonna lay it out there, give you the real dirt, which is that …

DIRT is the #1 reason for HVAC system failure.

It isn’t age! A system wearing down can lead to an AC or heating system failure, but dirt and grime are much more likely to get to it first. Dirty is like a wave of devious little spies getting into the tiny parts of the HVAC system and then sabotaging it. (For my canine friends, think of it like a massive flea attack. Yeah, they’re small, but they’re nasty.) This dirt means an expensive repair call for the system—or worse, an expensive call to replace it.

This is the truth! Cleaning an HVAC system is the crucial part of regular maintenance for an HVAC system. Just cleaning off the motor parts does an immense amount of good for a heater or AC because it removes additional stress. Regular maintenance means fewer repairs for your system, plus a longer lifespan and lower energy bills.

We’re Here to Help: We’ve Got the Dirt on Dirt with This Offer!

Now I wouldn’t tell you this dirty secret if I didn’t have a special weapon to stop it. For a limited time only, you can get our 21-point Energy Repair and Saver System Tune-up for just $97. That’s $437 of time and money-saving value.

  • Our technicians will give your system a full cleaning and adjustment according to factory specs. It’s like getting your care serviced before that big trip. ($279 value)
  • We’ll do a Deadly Carbon Monoxide Safety Check. Carbon monoxide is a silent killer, and it can be around any We’re licensed and trained with the right tools for the check. ($97 value)
  • A repair-free guarantee—something no one else offers. Should you need any new repairs in the next 90 days after the tune-up, we’ll refund every cent of the tune-up charge.
  • 100% Return on Investment Guaranteed. This is how confident we are in our techs: if you don’t save more energy over the next 3 months (compared to last year) than the tune-up price, we’ll refund the difference. That’s a no-lose proposition!

Olive, How Can You Afford to Make This Offer?

Well, first of all, I like you! We all like you here—you’re why we’re in business. But there are some other reasons as well:

  • The next 45 days are the slow season—spring is always that way—and this is a great way to keep us busy. And it makes it easier for you to schedule an appointment.
  • We hope you’ll try us out and then tell several million of your friends. (Okay, I’ll accept a few thousand.)

This offer expires on 4/30, so give our team a call today. We expect to get very busy with this offer, so please call (865) 302-3221. We can answer any questions you might have, and then get you set up for a real cleansing and tune-up of your comfort equipment.
