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Benefits of Having a Whole-House Humidifier


I’m not sure if you know this about me and my species, but we don’t sweat the same way you humans do. In fact, dogs in general have a different relationship to humidity, and much of it has to do with our fur and our smaller number of sweat glands.

But make no mistake, even though I’m a dog, I am well studied up on how the human body works when it comes to comfort. It’s my job, after all! This is why I’d like to talk to you about dry air and using a whole-house humidifier.

Dry air and your skin

I have some bad news about the way your body traps heat. It doesn’t do it that well. (This is where the fur coat thing really comes in handy for us dogs.) Heat is constantly escaping through your skin, which is why you put on heavier clothes to stop it during cold weather. That heat will escape your skin much faster when the air is dry. The reason is that humidity in the air makes it harder for sweat to evaporate. When there’s little humidity in the air, the heat just leaps right out of you!

Whole-House Humidifier Advantages

Obviously, the first advantage of putting in a whole-house humidifier for the winter is that it will raise indoor humidity levels to the right balance where you’ll feel warmer. Your body will trap heat—sort of like wearing a coat while you’re indoors.

This leads to the second major advantage: energy savings! You know that I’m always looking for ways to help our customers cut down on their bills. During the winter a whole-house humidifier will make it easier for you to give your heating system a break. When everyone feels warmer already, the heater doesn’t need to run as often—and you’ll pay less for seasonal heating.

And there’s a health benefit as well! When your nose dries up (and this happens to me too) it becomes easier for icky germs to jump from person to person. You’ll have a healthier home thanks to a whole-house humidifier.

But you don’t need to take my word for it when it comes to the advantages of a humidifier. Give our team a call and they can give you all the details, as well as to help you schedule service.

Stay warm (and with balanced humidity),

