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Olive’s Helpful Reminders about Pet Safety During the Holidays


Everything gets busier in December, especially if you’re a heating expert dog. But I thought I would leap on my blog today with something a bit different from advice on keep your house warm. Today I have a few friendly reminders about keeping your best safe, healthy, and, most of all, happy during the chilly winter holiday season.

Be cautious of the cold weather

I have a nice fur coat, and I wear it all the time. Most dogs and cats have their own fur coats (yes, there are some interesting exceptions), but that doesn’t mean that we’re always fine outside in the cold weather! My friends over the ASPCA have this simple piece of advice: “If it’s too cold for you, it’s probably too cold for your pet, so keep your animals inside.” And you should also make sure that you don’t leave your pet alone in a car during cold weather: cars are not well insulated and can almost become literal iceboxes!

Avoid decorating with mistletoe and holly

Both mistletoe and holly are popular for home ornaments this time of the year. But you know, those artificial versions really do look just as good (it’s amazing what they can do with fake foliage today!) and they will prevent serious pet problems. Mistletoe can cause stomach and heart issues in pets, and holly will cause nausea and vomiting.

You like sugar, and so do dogs… but don’t give it to us!

You’ll probably have plenty of sweet confections around the house this December, and my sensitive dog nose sure loves the smell of baking cookies. But don’t give sweets to your dog, especially not chocolate, which can be toxic to our system. Keep an eye on where you leave the chocolates, because we canines are pretty wily about getting to them. (By the way, cats won’t bother with chocolate because they don’t like it. Yet another reason why I simply don’t understand cats.)

Maintain a safe room for your pet

I like company, but even the friendliest dog or cat has a limit when it comes to large holiday gatherings, and they need a place to retreat and relax. Give your pet its own place to vacation should the house get hectic, and keep water and food there. Small dogs, as well as cats, might enjoy staying in their carrier.

MK Russell & Abbott is your source for great heating in Louisville and Maryville, TN.
