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Olive’s Biggest and Best Recommendation: Heating Maintenance!

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I put in the hours to make sure my readers know what they need for great comfort. But each fall, I get a bit of a break: a post that’s easy for me to write because it’s about our most important service. The one we know does the most good for our customers. I have plenty of facts at my paw-tips when it comes to talking about this service, which is regular seasonal HVAC maintenance. Or, in the case of the fall, regular heating maintenance. 

If you haven’t considered maintenance for your home’s furnace or other heating systems, now is the time to call us and sign up for our Comfort Club. We’ll get you on the schedule for a convenient appointment for your heater to get it’s annual inspection and service.

Yes, This Is the Most Important Service We Offer

I put this right up front whenever I talk about maintenance because it is 100% true. As much as a dog is humanity’s best friend, heating maintenance is a home’s winter best friend. 

The reason maintenance is this important is because it takes care of other services a heating system may need later. It prevents problems, ensures superior system performance, and saves money. It’s the whole package, like getting a shipment from a pet supply company that contains dog treats, dog food, dog toys, and regular veterinary visits all in one. (I know you can’t fit a veterinary visit in a box, but that means heating maintenance is even more impressive: we get all the services your heater needs in that one visit!)

Maintenance Benefits Are Enormous!

We offer great benefits to members of the Comfort Club, but these aren’t the benefits I’m talking about. I’m referring to the benefits for your heating system, comfort, and bills that come with having our technicians provide a thorough inspection, cleaning, and tune-up to your heating system:

  • Longer service life: Your heater has a far better chance of getting to its manufacturer’s estimated service life when you have professional care for it.
  • Fewer repairs: More than half of the repairs will simply vanish when you have the heating system professionally maintained. Our technicians catch early troubles before they become troubles, and the tune-ups we do keep many troubles from starting at all. 
  • Better capacity: “Capacity” is just my HVAC blogger dog-speak for saying “Your heater will give you better heating.” The basic care a heating system receives during maintenance will help it work at its best.
  • Energy savings: When a heating system is allowed to just run each year without attention from the people who know how to take care of it, it will cost more to run each year. Why pay more for heating than you need to? Maintenance keeps bills in control.
  • Safety: I saved this for last, but when you think about it, this is probably the most important part of maintenance. If you have a gas-powered furnace—and most people in our service area do—then maintenance is crucial for keeping it running its safest. We want to keep your family safe and your mind at ease. 

For Seymour, TN, HVAC maintenance each fall and winter, enroll in our Comfort Club. We’re waiting to put you on the schedule!

Stay warm,

