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Olive Recommends: Do Your Cold Weather Prep When the Weather Is Great


I’ve been looking for the weather forecast for the next few weeks—a standard part of my daily routine as an HVAC expert dog—and, wow, but I’m going to get some great walking time in! With the exception of some scattered rainstorms (which I don’t mind that much), we’re going to be enjoying some fabulous weather, with highs in the 80s and lows in the upper 60s. It’s one of the most beautiful times of the year here in East Tennessee…

…and that also means people probably aren’t thinking much about their home heating systems or getting ready for winter weather. But this is actually one of the best times to think about it!

Why Early Fall Is Great for Heating Maintenance

There are plenty of reasons to schedule cold weather prep during this lovely early fall. For one thing, it’s easy to find a convenient time to schedule the work. Our team here isn’t busy on emergency calls during great weather. They have more time to help you find the most convenient day for your maintenance visit. And since you probably won’t need either your AC or your heater running that day, you won’t be stuck with an uncomfortable home during the maintenance inspection and tune-up.

Another reason to use this time is that it gives you an important head start on cold weather. From working as an HVAC dog, I know how fast the weather can suddenly turn. You don’t want to get caught by surprise when the first chilly day strikes, only to find that your heater won’t come on or won’t work the way it’s supposed to. If you have your winter prep finished in September or October, you have a much better chance of beating out the cold weather. And if our technicians find that your heating system needs to have any repairs, you’ll have ample time to arrange for that service.
