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Olive Goes Grocery Shopping


Usually only service animals are allowed inside grocery stores. Now, I could present a strong argument that I’m the ultimate heating/cooling service animal. You want that faulty air conditioning system that’s struggling to keep your home cool repaired fast? You can call on me. Looking to plan a great new heating installation for your home? I’m your dog. But I understand that most of this doesn’t apply to going grocery shopping, and I haven’t figured out what sort of color service bib I would wear to mark me as an “HVAC Service” dog. So I haven’t been able to go into local grocery stores…

Until now!

(Wow, I’m starting to sound like movie trailer. I should’ve added, “COMING THIS SUMMER!”)

Anyway, you will be seeing me when you shop for groceries at the Kroger Marketplace in Maryville and at Kroger in Alcoa. Take a look at photo below and see if you can spot me.

Yes, that’s my adorable muzzle, eyes, and ears at the left of the picture. I’m your feature grocery cart companion whenever you take a spin around the aisles in Alcoa and Maryville. It’s even got our slogan, “Just whistle, and we’ll come running.”

Here’s a few things you can whistle for this summer that we’ll coming running to help with:

  • Air conditioner maintenance: If you haven’t had this done, schedule it as soon as possible! It’s the best way to make it through summer with zero problems.
  • Fast AC repair: Don’t wait and hope that your malfunctioning air conditioner will just get better—it won’t. You need comfort doctors like our team of technicians on the job.
  • Dehumidifier installation: When the humidity gets tough, the tough get a dehumidifier. Or at least they call us to get them a dehumidifier.