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Olive’s Holiday Safety Tips for Pets

dog and gifts

It’s that time of year again. Yep, the time when I put on a Santa Hat and pose for adorable photos!

It’s also the time when you need to make sure that your heating system is in the best working condition. So if you notice problems with your furnace, don’t wait around until your whole house of sisters, cousins, aunts, and uncles are freezing. Give our experts a call, and they will be there to get your heater back in order in Alcoa, TN or wherever you live in Blount County.

It’s also the time of year when I give some important advice about protecting your pets during the holidays. It’s no coincidence that baby Jesus was surrounded by animals in the manger: animals play an important part in our lives, and it’s up to us to keep them safe during a season that’s filled with crowded homes, food that isn’t safe for them, and dangerous chilly weather.

My Top Tips for Pet Safety This Holiday Season

  • No mistletoe and holly: Sorry about those looking for a kiss, but mistletoe is something you don’t want your pets eating, since it causes gastrointestinal and cardiovascular problems. Holly is almost as bad, causing nausea and vomiting in animals. You know what’s just as good—if not better? Plastic holly and mistletoe. I’m sure someone will still agree to kiss under plastic mistletoe.
  • Watch those wires: Extension cords and wires are just part of the holidays when you set up new lights or decorate the tree. Wires are something your pets may decide to chew on—and that’s not good! Wrap up wires and put them in places your pets won’t be able to reach.
  • No chocolate: I know I’ve said this before, but it can’t be repeated enough: chocolate can be toxic for dogs. Don’t feed them chocolate treats, and keep any chocolate away from where they can get to it. (It’s bad for cats too, but they don’t like to eat chocolate. I don’t understand cats.)
  • A safe place away from the action: When you have a party or plenty of company over, it can become stressful for your pets. Set aside a special room for them to stay in. Make sure they have water and food, and maybe a nice bed to lie in. If there’s a couch or bed that’s even better. You know how much pets like to hide under there.

The ASPCA has a good page with plenty more advice, including a list of other food you shouldn’t feed your pet.
