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Olive Reflects on Valentines From Customers

Valentines Day

I want to tell you a Valentine’s story. This tale about relationships begins in an unexpected location—the Russell & Abbott breakroom, a rectangular concrete space with a laminate floor, shelves, a refrigerator and microwave, and a long table that will seat about twenty people. Just setting the scene—I hope it hooked you—but I digress.

A few Saturdays ago, the whole Russell & Abbott team came together there for a half-day training session. Of course, I attended, not only because it’s my job as a team member and resident canine blogger, but because they always serve food at training meetings, and more often than not, I receive ear scratches and multiple bites of ham biscuits under the conference table!

Because Russell & Abbott is always striving to provide the best customer service possible, team members were challenged with the question, “What do you do to create an exceptional customer experience?”

Team members started by contributing ideas such as “being on time” and “wearing shoe covers.” Then one team member said something profound: “Customers make the call exceptional for us, too,” he stated.

“Customers give us an exceptional experience. Let’s explore that,” said company president Chris Hurley.

The stories of kindness and consideration started flying! While we Tennesseans may be accustomed to displays of southern hospitality, many of our customers truly have gone above and beyond to enrich our business relationship. Here are just a few ways customers have shown love on the job:

  • Homeowners have served fresh, hot coffee on a frigid day or ice-cold lemonade and soft drinks during a blistering heat wave.
  • Homeowners have made water and restroom facilities available to us.
  • They have carried homemade cookies and soft drinks to us.
  • Photos of us working have been taken and posted to our Facebook page with nice comments.
  • Handwritten thank you notes have arrived in the mail.
  • Homeowners have referred their friends and family to Russell & Abbott.

On a difficult, all-day installation, one homeowner fired up the grill, cooked a hamburger lunch, and even made time to sit and visit with us while we ate. By day’s end, we were friends!

And this canine speaks for the whole team when I say, it feels like Valentine’s Day every time we get a five-star review with a specific comment about how we exceeded a customer’s expectations. I just can’t wag my tail hard enough when I read those!

So, thank you! It goes without saying that we love our customers—but I’m going to say it anyway. Russell & Abbott loves our customers. And on this Valentine’s Day, it’s wonderful to know that our love is returned.

Warmest Regards,

