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The Importance of Community and Giving Back


For the second week in a row, I’ve asked MK Russell & Abbott President Chris Hurley to stand in for me. (I am being groomed at a doggie day spa. Ah, the life of a celebrity HVAC dog!) I’ll be back with more canine wisdom next week, I promise.

Giving Back Creates Community

Aristotle said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” This statement couldn’t be truer than when it’s applied to our local community.

The cohesiveness and support we feel is developed as we live, work, play, and worship together. As society moves at a faster, more detached pace, it becomes harder for many larger towns to feel the sense of community that we are blessed to enjoy here in Blount County. What we have here is becoming rare, and that’s one reason why MK Russell & Abbott supports multiple local organizations around the year through funding, serving in leadership roles, and volunteering.

To name just a few local organizations, MK Russell & Abbott supports Kiwanis Clubs, Second Harvest Food Bank, and Blount County Youth Court. We also support churches, Scouting, sports, the Chamber of Commerce, the United Way, and more.

Community support means much more than monetary donations. Some things that you can do to ensure “community: include:

  • Attending community events.
  • Giving a friendly wave or “hello” to passersby in your neighborhood orat work.
  • Volunteering.
  • Meeting your neighbors.
  • Buying from local merchants.

In case you haven’t noticed, this blog has nothing to do with the heating and cooling industry, but it has everything to do with our philosophy as a company. MK Russell & Abbott could have based itself in a city with a larger population base, but we choose to remain here because of the wonderful sense of community that surrounds us. I encourage you to engage in community support alongside me and the rest of the team at MK Russell & Abbott.

Chris Hurley has been in the HVAC business for more than 20 years. He’s a state-licensed heating and AC contractor, as well as being certified in design, fabrication, layout, and installation of forced-air heating and cooling systems.
