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No, It’s Not Too Late for Heating Maintenance


During the fall, I worked my paws off writing about all the reasons that heating maintenance is important. It saves you money. It makes your heater reliable. It keeps equipment safe. It extends equipment life. There were a lot of reasons (I came up with 8 without even trying too hard) and I hope that plenty of people were persuaded to sign up for our regular maintenance program thanks to my efforts.

But my blogging can only do so much, and there are people out there who probably missed calling for heating maintenance during the fall. If you’re one of those, don’t feel bad. Anybody can miss an appointment. The important thing is to make sure that you have the maintenance done now.

But why, Olive? Can’t I just wait until fall comes around again?

No! I know it’s tempting to put it off—believe me, I enjoy just lazing on the couch around as much as the next dog—but you shouldn’t skip annual heating maintenance. Here’s why:

  • Safety: Gas-powered heating systems are the most common type of heaters around here, and unfortunately they can turn into safety hazards if they do not receive regular maintenance. A technician will inspect the heater during maintenance and find any areas where repairs can help prevent future safety concerns.
  • Longevity: What’s the most expensive repair a heating system might need? It’s a trick question: having to replace it! The best way to put off that replacement job for many years and receive the longest service life possible is to keep up with regular maintenance year after year.
  • Prevent emergency repairs: Something you absolutely don’t want happening during the rest of the winter (and we’ve got some very cold days left to go) is a heater that abruptly stops working. Having maintenance done will give your heating system that best chance of getting through to the spring thaw without suffering a breakdown. That’s great for your peace of mind.

Call MK Russell & Abbott in Maryville, TN and sign up for our Comfort Club! Tell them Olive sent you.
